Financial Services

(Banking, Insurance, FinTech and Alternative Finance and Payments)

The financial services industry is on the brink of experiencing profound changes and encountering significant challenges due to factors such as:

  • Changing customers needs and expectations
  • Disruption from non traditional banking services
  • Changes in the political landscape
  • Evolving regulations and requirement for improved management of risks
  • Growing scrutiny from investors regarding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
  • Pressure on growth and cost management
  • Emergence of disruptive players and technologies in the market
  • Increased investment in and the need to leverage the potential power of new technologies

These changes bring risk, opportunities and challenges for businesses and their established business models.  This disruption brings more opportunities than challenges.  For those financial institutions that that can adapt there are new opportunities for growth to be had.

At MITI we have worked with leading financial institutions, newly established FinTechs and Insurance companies to help them build stronger and more sustainable financial services.

Contact us and discover how we can support you and offer insights to help reshape your business for the future.